1 min read

A Tribute in Honor of Teacher Appreciation Week

May 3, 2021 11:05:21 AM

“I’d like to recognize Geniel Moon, a teacher at Murrieta Valley High School in Murrieta, California. Geniel has given selfishly over the past year during this pandemic. She has delivered over 500 items to various students in our school community. These items included T-shirts and  special treat bags to celebrate kids’ accomplishments. Not only did she continue to let her students know she cared, she also continued to do things for rest of the staff, including giving welcome back gifts and lunches. Geniel never stopped fighting for our students to have some normalcy. We are lucky to have a teacher such as Geniel Moon who truly cares about our school culture and our staff. “

~Cindy Muzic


Written by NFP
